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all items are complete and in good antiquarian condition, unless otherwise specified.....more
click to enlarge: Burgdorffer, A. C. Oeververbindingen te Rotterdam. 11005
Burgdorffer, A. C.
Oeververbindingen te Rotterdam. (rare).
Rotterdam, Gemeentewerken Rotterdam, 1921.
Original printed boards (slightly discoloured), 25x19, 70 ill textpp, 2 folded maps.
€ 250,-
Burkhardt, François / Eveno, Claude / Podrecca, Boris
Joze Plecnik Architecte 1872 - 1957.
Paris, CCI/Centre Georges Pompidou, 1986, exhibition catalogue.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 24x20, 190 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 120,-
click to enlarge: Burkhardt, François / Eveno, Claude / Podrecca, Boris Joze Plecnik Architecte 1872 - 1957.
click to enlarge: Burns, Howard / et  al Andrea Palladio, 1508-1580 : the portico and the farmyard. 11091
Burns, Howard / et al
Andrea Palladio, 1508-1580 : the portico and the farmyard. (exhibition organized by the Arts Council of Great Britain and the Centro internazionale di studi di architettura Andrea Palladio, Vicenza).
N.p., Arts Council of Great Britain, 1975.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 20x21, 283 pp, profusely illustrated, typography by: Spencer, Herbert.
€ 80,-
Bussmann, Klaus (Herausgeber)
Johann Conrad Schlaun 1695-1773. Ausstellung zu seinem 200. Todestag.
Münster, Landesmuseum Münster, 1973, 2 volumes, exhibition catalogue, series: Schlaunstudie I.
Original printed wrappers (unsewn), 23x26, 347 pp textvol, 382 illpp.
€ 175,-
click to enlarge: Bussmann, Klaus (Herausgeber) Johann Conrad Schlaun 1695-1773. Ausstellung zu seinem 200. Todestag.
click to enlarge: Buyst, E. / Claes, J. / Dubois, Marc / et al De beschikbare RUIMTE, reflecties over BOUWEN. 12239
Buyst, E. / Claes, J. / Dubois, Marc / et al
De beschikbare RUIMTE, reflecties over BOUWEN. (dutch and french captions).
Tielt, Lannoo, 1990.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 30x26, 240 pp.
€ 135,-
Bylinkina, N. / Ryabushina, A.V. / (editors)
Modern Soviet Architecture 1955 - 1980. Sovremennaya sovet·skaya arhitektura.
Moskva / Moscow, Moskva stroi?izdat, 1985.
Original printed boards, 25x17, 223 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 135,-
click to enlarge: Bylinkina, N. / Ryabushina, A.V. / (editors) Modern Soviet Architecture 1955 - 1980. Sovremennaya sovet·skaya arhitektura.
click to enlarge: Byne, Arthur / Stapley, Mildred Spanish Architecture of the Sixteenth Century. General View of the Plateresque and Herrera Styles. 8843
Byne, Arthur / Stapley, Mildred
Spanish Architecture of the Sixteenth Century. General View of the Plateresque and Herrera Styles.
New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1917, series: Publ of the Hispanic Society of America, no. 100.
Original cloth (edges slightly worn), 28x19, 436 pp, illustrated.
€ 225,-
Caldenby, Claes / et al
Neuvostamaan Arkkitehtuuria / Soviet Architecture 1917 / 1987.
Helsinki, Museum of Finnish Architecture, 1988, exhibition catalogue.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 26x15, 81 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-
click to enlarge: Caldenby, Claes / et al Neuvostamaan Arkkitehtuuria / Soviet Architecture 1917 / 1987.
click to enlarge: Caldenby, Claes / Hultin, Olaf Asplund. 10265
Caldenby, Claes / Hultin, Olaf
Asplund. (articles by: Kenneth Frampton, Stuart Wrede, Carl-Axel Acking, Elias Cornell, Gösta Drugge)
New York, Rizzoli International Publications Inc., 1986.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 31x30, 131 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 135,-
Cali, François
L'ordre flamboyant et son temps. Essai sur le style gothique du XIVe au XVIe siècle.
Paris, B. Arthaud, 1967.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 29x23, 265 pp, profusely illustrated, photography by: Cali, François.
€ 85,-
click to enlarge: Camenzind, A. / et al Architektur und Konstruktion. Schweizerische Landesausstellung Lausanne 1964. 7499
Camenzind, A. / et al
Architektur und Konstruktion. Schweizerische Landesausstellung Lausanne 1964.
Lausanne, Architekturbüro der Landesausstellung, 1964.
Original printed wrappers (slightly discoloured), 21x13, 67 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 35,-
Cammen, H. van der (editor) / Eyck, Aldo van (member commission)
Verslag / Album van de beoordelingscommissie Stadhuis / Bibliotheekplannen Spuikwartier Den Haag. (summary in english). Entries by Hans Boot, Helmut Jahn, Rem Koolhaas, Richard Meier, Cabinet Baubot et Julian WZMH.
's-Gravenhage, Gemeente 's-Gravenhage, 1987.
Original printed stiff wrappers (folded as poster), 24x30, 35 / XXIV pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 95,-
click to enlarge: Cammen, H. van der (editor) / Eyck, Aldo van (member commission) Verslag / Album van de beoordelingscommissie Stadhuis / Bibliotheekplannen Spuikwartier Den Haag.
click to enlarge: Cammen, Hans van der (editor) Four Metropolises in Western Europe. Development and urban planning of London, Paris, Randstad Holland and the Ruhr region. 6916
Cammen, Hans van der (editor)
Four Metropolises in Western Europe. Development and urban planning of London, Paris, Randstad Holland and the Ruhr region.
Assen/Maastricht, Van Gorcum, 1988.
Original printed boards, 24x22, VII / 242 pp, illustrated.
€ 70,-
Camusso, Lorenzo
Reisboek Europa 1492.
Den Haag, SDU Uitgeverij, 1991.
Boards with original dustwrappers, 26x16, 288 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-
click to enlarge: Camusso, Lorenzo Reisboek Europa 1492.
click to enlarge: Carloni, Livia (editor) Raimondo d'Aronco (1857 - 1932) disegni d'architettura. 8662
Carloni, Livia (editor)
Raimondo d'Aronco (1857 - 1932) disegni d'architettura.
Roma, De Luca Editore, 1980, exhibition catalogue.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 24x22, 48 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 45,-
Cars, Jean des / Pinon, Pierre
Paris - Hausmann. "Le Paris d' Hausmann".
Paris, Editions du Pavillon de l'Arsenal /Picard Editeur, 1991, exhibition catalogue.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x20, 365 pp, illustrated.
€ 125,-
click to enlarge: Cars, Jean des / Pinon, Pierre Paris - Hausmann.
click to enlarge: Carter, Brian A new room for architecture. The record of an architectural competition. 7732
Carter, Brian
A new room for architecture. The record of an architectural competition.
Halifax, TUNS Architecture, 1990.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 22x22, 52 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 35,-
Carter, Brian / Lecuyer, Annette
Nieuw Amerikaans. Opkomend talent in de Amerikaanse Architectuur.
Nijmegen, SUN, 2002.
Original printed boards, 23x21, 256 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 60,-
click to enlarge: Carter, Brian / Lecuyer, Annette Nieuw Amerikaans. Opkomend talent in de Amerikaanse Architectuur.
click to enlarge: Casciato, Maristella De Amsterdamse School. 8025
Casciato, Maristella
De Amsterdamse School.
Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010, 1991, series: Serie Architectuur, 6.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 21x15, 240 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
Casciato, Maristella / et al
Funzione e senso. Architettura - Casa - Città. Olanda 1870 - 1940.
Milano, Electa Editrice, 1979.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 24x22, 220 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
click to enlarge: Casciato, Maristella / et al Funzione e senso. Architettura - Casa - Città. Olanda 1870 - 1940.
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