Original covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazine
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all items are complete and in good antiquarian condition, unless otherwise specified.....more
click to enlarge: Aillagon, Jean-Jacques / et al (editors) Viollet-le-Duc. 4866
Aillagon, Jean-Jacques / et al (editors)
Paris, Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, 1980, exhibition catalogue.
Cloth with original dustwrappers (slightly damaged), 25x22, 415 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 175,-
Altmann-Loos, Elsie
Mein Leben mit Adolf Loos.
Berlin, Verlag Ullstein, 1986, ungekürzte Ausgabe, series: Lebensbilder.
Original printed wrappers (unsewn), 18x12, 317 pp, illustrated.
€ 30,-
click to enlarge: Amsoneit, Wolfgand Contemporary European Architects. 5414
Amsoneit, Wolfgand
Contemporary European Architects.
Köln, Benedikt Taschen Verlag GmbH., 1991.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x23, 160 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 30,-
Arets, W.M.J. / Bergh, W.H.J van den / Graatsma, W.P.A.R.S.
FPJ Peutz Architekt 1916 1966.
Eindhoven, Stichting Peutz, 1981, eerste druk.
Original printed wrappers, 22x30, 384 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 275,-
click to enlarge: Arets, W.M.J. / Bergh, W.H.J van den / Graatsma, W.P.A.R.S. FPJ Peutz Architekt 1916 1966.
click to enlarge: Attoe, Wayne (editor) The Architecture of Ricardo Legorreta. 8872
Attoe, Wayne (editor)
The Architecture of Ricardo Legorreta.
Berlin, Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur, 1990.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 31x31, 171 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 165,-
Back, Aimee de / Berndsen, Sabine / Berns, Camiel
Een zeer aangenaam verblijf. Het dienstbodehuis van J. Duiker op het sanatorium Zonnestraal. A space of their own. The servants' house by J. Duiker at Zonnestraal sanatorium.
Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010 Publishers, 1996.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 23x23, 102 pp, illustrated.
€ 60,-
click to enlarge: Back, Aimee de / Berndsen, Sabine / Berns, Camiel Een zeer aangenaam verblijf. Het dienstbodehuis van J. Duiker op het sanatorium Zonnestraal. A space of their own. The servants' house by J. Duiker at Zonnestraal sanatorium.
click to enlarge: Bak, Peter / Molema, Jan / et al (editors) j. duiker bouwkundig ingenieur. constructeur in stuc en staal 5883
Bak, Peter / Molema, Jan / et al (editors)
j. duiker bouwkundig ingenieur. constructeur in stuc en staal
Rotterdam, Stichting Bouw, 1982.
Original printed stiff wrappers (slightly damaged), 28x21, 239 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 85,-
Bakema, J.B.
bouwen voor een open samenleving.
Rotterdam, Museum Boymans van Beuningen, n.d. (ca 1962), exhibition catalogue.
Original printed wrappers, 25x20, (ca 76) pp, profusely illustrated, typography by: Schrofer, J..
€ 65,-
click to enlarge: Bakema, J.B. bouwen voor een open samenleving.
click to enlarge: Bakema, J.B. Van Stoel tot Stad. Een verhaal over mensen en ruimte. 12186
Bakema, J.B.
Van Stoel tot Stad. Een verhaal over mensen en ruimte.
Zeist, Uitgeversmaatschappij W. de Haan nv, 1964.
Original printed boards (slightly worn), 21x15, 139 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
Bakema, J.B. (preface)
Architectengemeenschap van den Broek en Bakema. Architektur - Urbanismus, Architecture - Urbanism, Architecture - Urbanisme.
Stuttgart, Karl Krämer Verlag, 1976, series: Dokumente der modernen Architektur, 12.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 28x23, 135 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 175,-
click to enlarge: Bakema, J.B. (preface) Architectengemeenschap van den Broek en Bakema. Architektur - Urbanismus, Architecture - Urbanism, Architecture - Urbanisme.
click to enlarge: Balazs, Dercsenyi Aladar Arkay. 5408
Balazs, Dercsenyi
Aladar Arkay.
Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 1967.
Decorated cloth with original dustwrappers, 23x21, 63 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 30,-
Balfour, Alan / Sudjic, Deyan / et al
4 Studios in Barcelona. Alfredo Arribas, Pepe Cortes, Enric Miralles, Oscar Tusquets.
London, Architectural Association, 1992, series: MEGA, XIV.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 34x25, 48 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
click to enlarge: Balfour, Alan / Sudjic, Deyan / et al 4 Studios in Barcelona. Alfredo Arribas, Pepe Cortes, Enric Miralles, Oscar Tusquets.
click to enlarge: Banham, Reyner The Architecture of Yorke Rosenberg Mardall 1944/1972. 10947
Banham, Reyner
The Architecture of Yorke Rosenberg Mardall 1944/1972.
London, Lund Humphries, 1972, first edition.
Boards wtih original dustwrappers (slightly damaged), 31x31, 128 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 125,-
Banham, Reyner / Padovan Richard / et al
Der vorbildliche Architekt. Mies van der Rohes Architekturunterricht 1930 - 1958 am Bauhaus und in Chicago.
Berlin, Bauhaus Archiv, 1987.
Original printed stiff wrappers (unsewn), 29x27, 186 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 95,-
click to enlarge: Baroni, Costantino Bramante. 3239
Baroni, Costantino
Bergamo, Istituto Italiano d'Arte Grafiche, 1944, series: i grandi artisti italiani.
Original cloth (slightly discoloured/worn), 26x21, 57 textpp, 134 photoplates.
€ 25,-
Battisti, Emilio / Frampton, Kenneth
Mario Botta. Architetture e progetti negli anni '70.
Milano, Electa Editrice, 1979, series: i Contemporanei.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 24x22, 119 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 60,-
click to enlarge: Battisti, Emilio / Frampton, Kenneth Mario Botta. Architetture e progetti negli anni '70.
click to enlarge: Battisti, Emilio / Frampton, Kenneth Mario Botta. Architetture e Progetti negli anni '70. Architecture and Projects in the '70. 5784
Battisti, Emilio / Frampton, Kenneth
Mario Botta. Architetture e Progetti negli anni '70. Architecture and Projects in the '70.
Milano, Gruppo Editoriale Electa S.p.A., 1979.
Boards with original wrappers, 23x23, 119 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 65,-
Beard, Geoffrey
The Work of Robert Adam.
Edinburgh and London, John Bartholomew & Son Ltd., 1978.
Boards with original wrappers, 27x19, 244 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
click to enlarge: Beard, Geoffrey The Work of Robert Adam.
click to enlarge: Beekum, Radboud van B. T. Boeyinga 1886 - 1969. Amsterdamse School Architect. 11753
Beekum, Radboud van
B. T. Boeyinga 1886 - 1969. Amsterdamse School Architect.
Bussum, Uitgeverij THOTH, 2003.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 22x22, 95 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
Bekaert, Geert / Verpoest, Luc
Marc Dessauvage 1931 / 1984.
Wommelgem, Uitgeverij Den Gulden Engel / deSingel, 1987, exhibition catalogue.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 25x21, 95 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
click to enlarge: Bekaert, Geert / Verpoest, Luc Marc Dessauvage 1931 / 1984.
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