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Boesiger, W. (editor) / Giedion, S. (introduction) - Richard Neutra. Buildings and Projects / Réalisations et Projets / Bauten und Projekte: < 1950 / 1950 - 60 / 1961 - 1966.

price: € 725,- Boesiger, W. (editor) / Giedion, S. (introduction) - Richard Neutra. Buildings and Projects / Réalisations et Projets / Bauten und Projekte: < 1950 / 1950 - 60 / 1961 - 1966. buy now
Boesiger, W. (editor) / Giedion, S. (introduction) - Richard Neutra. Buildings and Projects / Réalisations et Projets / Bauten und Projekte: < 1950 / 1950 - 60 / 1961 - 1966. Boesiger, W. (editor) / Giedion, S. (introduction) - Richard Neutra. Buildings and Projects / Réalisations et Projets / Bauten und Projekte: < 1950 / 1950 - 60 / 1961 - 1966. Boesiger, W. (editor) / Giedion, S. (introduction) - Richard Neutra. Buildings and Projects / Réalisations et Projets / Bauten und Projekte: < 1950 / 1950 - 60 / 1961 - 1966.

item number 11763
publ. city Zürich
publisher Girsberger/Verlag für Architektur Artemis/Praeger
publ. date/edition/ 1951 /1959/1966, 3 volumes
exh. catalogue
binding Cloth with original dustwrappers
binding condition* slightly damaged
size/pages 24x29, 239 / 240 / 256 pp
page condition*
illustrated profusely illustrated
* all items are complete and in good antiquarian condition, unless otherwise specified, ....more
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