Original covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazine
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all items are complete and in good antiquarian condition, unless otherwise specified.....more
click to enlarge: Barnard, Julian The Decorative Tradition. 5497
Barnard, Julian
The Decorative Tradition.
London, The Architectural Press, 1973, first published.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 26x20, 144 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 40,-
Baroni, Daniele
L'Oggetto Lampada Forma e funzione. Storia degle apparecchi d'illuminazione a luce elettrica.
Milano, Editoriale Electa, 1981.
Boards with original printed dustwrappers, 23x25, 168 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 110,-
click to enlarge: Baroni, Daniele L'Oggetto Lampada Forma e funzione. Storia degle apparecchi d'illuminazione a luce elettrica.
click to enlarge: Baroni, Daniele / Auria, Antonio d' Josef Hoffmann und die Wiener Werkstätte. 12132
Baroni, Daniele / Auria, Antonio d'
Josef Hoffmann und die Wiener Werkstätte.
Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1984, (1981).
Boards with original dustwrappers, 22x25, 190 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 135,-
Baroni. Daniele
Gerrit Thomas Rietveld Furniture.
London, Academy Editions, 1977.
Boards with original wrappers, 23x25, 178 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 110,-
click to enlarge: Baroni. Daniele Gerrit Thomas Rietveld Furniture.
click to enlarge: Baucia, Nicoletta Zeus Collection. 12145
Baucia, Nicoletta
Zeus Collection. (designers: Maurizio Peregalli, Davide Mercatali,Vincenzo Iavicoli, Serge Meppiel, Maria Luisa Rossi, Claudio NArdi et al).
Milano, Noto, 1991, first edition/prima edizione.
Original stiff wrappers, 24x24, (ca 150) pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
Baumann, Rudi
Begrünte Architektur. Bauen und Gestalten mit Kletterpflanzen.
München, Verlag Georg D.W. Callwey, 1983.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 28x18, 430 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 60,-
click to enlarge: Baumann, Rudi Begrünte Architektur. Bauen und Gestalten mit Kletterpflanzen.
click to enlarge: Beeren, Wim / Gould, Claudia / Tazzi, Pierluigi MarblePublic. 10994
Beeren, Wim / Gould, Claudia / Tazzi, Pierluigi
MarblePublic. (text in dutch & english. exhibition catalogue originally meant as an exhibition by itself, mainly with worksdevoted to interior compilations)
Amsterdam, MarblePublic - Fortuyn /O'Brien, 1991, limited edition 1000 copies, exhibition catalogue.
Original stamped/ screwed boards, 22x30, 135 doublefold pp printed on one side only, profusely illustrated.
€ 95,-
Behal, Vera J.
Moebel des Jugendstils. Sammlung des Oesterreichischen Museums fuer angewandte Kunst.
München, Prestel Verlag, 1981, series: Materialien zur Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts, Band 29.
Boards with original dustwrappers, 25x24, 358 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 110,-
click to enlarge: Behal, Vera J. Moebel des Jugendstils. Sammlung des Oesterreichischen Museums fuer angewandte Kunst.
click to enlarge: Bekaert, Geert / et al de Tafel / the Table. 12154
Bekaert, Geert / et al
de Tafel / the Table. (dutch and english: text contributions by Geert Bekaert / Jacques de Visscher, Andrea Branzi, Enric Miralles, Marc Dubois). The exhibition 'Tables of the 20th century' - from Serrurier-Bovy to Nouvel has been organised for the 15th International Biennal INTERIEUR 96.
Kortrijk, Stichting Interieur, 1996, series: Interieur ex.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 30x19, 72 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
Belloncle, Michel
La Ville et son Eau. Paris & ses fontaines.
Paris, SERG, 1987.
Cloth with original dustwrappers (edges discoloured), 28x23, 287 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 85,-
click to enlarge: Belloncle, Michel La Ville et son Eau. Paris & ses fontaines.
click to enlarge: Benn, H.P. / Baldock, W.C. Characteristics of Old Furniture Styles in England 1600-1800. 1570
Benn, H.P. / Baldock, W.C.
Characteristics of Old Furniture Styles in England 1600-1800.
London, Simpkin Marshall et al, nd (ca 1910).
Original wrappers (slightly damaged), 31x25, 79 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 55,-
Berg, R. (foreword)
Dansk Mobelkunst.
Kobenhavn, A. G. Hassings Forlag, 1921.
Original halfcloth/boards (slightly damaged / discoloured), 34x24, 88 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 100,-
click to enlarge: Berg, R. (foreword) Dansk Mobelkunst.
click to enlarge: Bernsen, Jens (compiler) DD Bullentin, theme: New, open telephone boxes for the Copenhagen Telephone Co. 6451
Bernsen, Jens (compiler)
DD Bullentin, theme: New, open telephone boxes for the Copenhagen Telephone Co.
Kopenhagen, Danish Design council, 1981, january, series: DD Bullentin, no. 4.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 20x21, 60 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 35,-
Bernsen, Jens / Mollerup, Per (editors)
Dansk Design/Danish Design.
Kopenhagen, Danish Design council, 1980.
Original printed stiff wrappers (slightly soiled), 20x21, 83 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 40,-
click to enlarge: Bernsen, Jens / Mollerup, Per (editors) Dansk Design/Danish Design.
click to enlarge: Bertheux, Wil / Oorthuys, Gerrit G. Rietveld architect. 7134
Bertheux, Wil / Oorthuys, Gerrit
G. Rietveld architect.
Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 1972, exhibition catalogue, series: sm - catalogus, nr 516.
Original printed stiff wrappers (unsewn), 28x21, (40) pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 40,-
Bertrand, Co / Graatsma, William PARS
Aad de Haas. De schilderingen en kruiswegstaties in de Sint Cunibertuskerk te Wahlwiller.
Nuth, Rosbeek, 1996, series: goodwill reeks Rosbeek, 40.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 20x20, 46 textpp / 48 folded & doublefolded coloured pp, profusely illustrated, typography by: Homan, Reynoud.
€ 65,-
click to enlarge: Bertrand, Co / Graatsma, William PARS Aad de Haas. De schilderingen en kruiswegstaties in de Sint Cunibertuskerk te Wahlwiller.
click to enlarge: Bettetini. Gianfranco / Grasso, Aldo / Pietra, Ugo la La Casa Telematica. 12204
Bettetini. Gianfranco / Grasso, Aldo / Pietra, Ugo la
La Casa Telematica.
Milano, Idea Books, 1983.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 28x22, 80 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
Bialostocki, Jan
The Art of the Renaissance in Eastern Europe. Hungary - Bohemia - Poland.
Oxford, Phaidon Press Limited, 1976, first published.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 27x21, 312 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
click to enlarge: Bialostocki, Jan The Art of the Renaissance in Eastern Europe. Hungary - Bohemia - Poland.
click to enlarge: Bierens, Cornel / Coumans, Paul Carel Visser. 12823
Bierens, Cornel / Coumans, Paul
Carel Visser. (containing an original woodcut by Visser, numbered and signed by him)
Amersfoort, De Zonnehof, 2000, series: De Zonnehof-reeks, 10.
Original printed wrappers, 22x14, 64, profusely illustrated.
€ 175,-
Blackwell, Lewis
International Interiors 2. Offices - Studios - Shops - Restaurants - Bars - CLubs - Hotels - Cultural and Public Buildings.
London, Thames and Hudson, 1990, series: International Interiors, 2.
Cloth with original dustwrappers, 30x25, 255 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 120,-
click to enlarge: Blackwell, Lewis International Interiors 2. Offices - Studios - Shops - Restaurants - Bars - CLubs - Hotels - Cultural and Public Buildings.
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