Original covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazineOriginal covers of de 8 en Opbouw publications for the periodical de8enOpbouw magazine
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all items are complete and in good antiquarian condition, unless otherwise specified.....more
click to enlarge: Ministère des travaux publics & et de la réconstruction / Ministerie van openbare werken & van wederopbouw Atlas du Survey National. Atlas van de Nationale Survey. Ministère des travaux publics & et de la réconstruction, administration de l'urbanisme. Ministerie van openbare werken & van wederopbouw, bestuur van de stedebouw. 9645
Ministère des travaux publics & et de la réconstruction / Ministerie van openbare werken & van wederopbouw
Atlas du Survey National. Atlas van de Nationale Survey. Ministère des travaux publics & et de la réconstruction, administration de l'urbanisme. Ministerie van openbare werken & van wederopbouw, bestuur van de stedebouw.
Bruxelles, Comité National de Géographie, 2 volumes, 2 tomes.
Publisher's ringbinders / boards, 30x38, (8) / (100) pp, 100 & 48 coloured plates..
€ 650,-
Het Affiche.
Amsterdam, ABC Teekenschool, n.d. (1932).
Original printed wrappers (slightly discoloured), 28x21, 40 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 45,-
click to enlarge: NN Het Affiche.
click to enlarge: Juin, Hubert Corneille Gouaches récentes. 11781
Juin, Hubert
Corneille Gouaches récentes. (la couverture est une lithographie originale en couleurs qui a été tirée sur les presses de Michel Cassé).
Paris, Galerie Mathias Fels et Cie., 1962, limited edition 800 copies, exhibition catalogue.
Original printed stiff wrappers (original lithograph), 27x17, (20 / 1) pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 150,-
Alba Martin, Salvador de
Escuela Normal Regional en ciudad Guzman Jalisco. (interesting typography by Alba Martin as well).
Mexico, author, 1961.
Original printed stiff wrappers (backwrapper damaged), 21x21, (22) textpp, (14) project foldouts, 6 photoplates.
€ 85,-
click to enlarge: Alba Martin, Salvador de Escuela Normal Regional en ciudad Guzman Jalisco.
click to enlarge: Ant Farm / Lord, Chip Automerica. 9855
Ant Farm / Lord, Chip
New York, E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 1976, first edition.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 27x21, 143 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
Niedenstein, Edition Jürgen Schweinebraden, 1982, limited edition: 500 exemplare.
Original stapled thin cardboard box, 16x11, 13 postcards, profusely illustrated.
€ 225,-
click to enlarge: Armando Fahnen.
click to enlarge: Bakos, Katalin / et al (editors) Art and Revolution. Russian and Soviet Art 1910 - 1932. Kunst und Revolution. Russische und Sowjetische Kunst 1910 - 1932. 8774
Bakos, Katalin / et al (editors)
Art and Revolution. Russian and Soviet Art 1910 - 1932. Kunst und Revolution. Russische und Sowjetische Kunst 1910 - 1932.
Wien, Osterreichischen Museum für angewandte Kunst, 1988.
Cloth with original dustwrappers (slightly damaged), 29x22, 303 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 90,-
Bayer, Herbert / et al (editors)
1919 bauhaus 1928.
New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 1984, (1938), paperback editon.
Original printed wrappers (unsewn), 26x19, 124 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 45,-
click to enlarge: Bayer, Herbert / et al (editors) 1919 bauhaus 1928.
click to enlarge: Bazel, K.P.C. de Deuren en Lijstwerk voor betimmeringen, ontwerp De Bazel. 9150
Bazel, K.P.C. de
Deuren en Lijstwerk voor betimmeringen, ontwerp De Bazel. (extremely rare sales catalogue ic sample- book NV Houthandel K. Dekker, all designs by De Bazel).
Den Haag, K. Dekker, ca 1924, sales catalogue.
Original decorated stiff wrappers (backwrapper small piece of paper cut out), 30x42, (7) folded pp, illustrated.
€ 350,-
Beijeren, Geert van / Kapteyn, Coosje
Sonsbeek 71. Sonsbeek buiten de perken deel 1 en 2. (typographic design by Wim Crouwel et al / Total Design).
Arnhem, Stichting Sonsbeek, 1971.
Orginal printed stiff wrappers, 30x21, 231 / 96 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 75,-
click to enlarge: Beijeren, Geert van / Kapteyn, Coosje Sonsbeek 71. Sonsbeek buiten de perken deel 1 en 2.
click to enlarge: Bernsen, Jens (compiler) DD Bulletin, theme: Industrial Graphics, The IG Prize 1980. 6449
Bernsen, Jens (compiler)
DD Bulletin, theme: Industrial Graphics, The IG Prize 1980.
Kopenhagen, Danish Design council, 1980, september, series: DD Bulletin, no. 1.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 20x21, 14 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 15,-
Betsky, Aaron / Kloos, Maarten / et al
City Dust. An installation at the 11th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia 2008 'Out There Architecture Beyond Building'.
Amsterdam, KramervanderVeer, 2009.
Original printed boards, 25x17, 68 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 55,-
click to enlarge: Betsky, Aaron / Kloos, Maarten / et  al City Dust. An installation at the 11th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia 2008 'Out There Architecture Beyond Building'.
click to enlarge: Bierma, Wigger / Nikkels, Walter over het werk van Walter Nikkels. 10761
Bierma, Wigger / Nikkels, Walter
over het werk van Walter Nikkels.
Nuth, Rosbeek, 1989, series: Rosbeek goodwill reeks, 27.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 20x20, 42 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 70,-
Blaauw, C. J. (inleiding)
Wendingen Zomernummer 1925, 7e serie nr 2. (cover printed after woodcut by Hildo Krop).
Santpoort, C. A. Mees, 1925, series: Wendingen, maandblad voor bouwen en sieren.
Original japanese binding, 33x33, 36 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 150,-
click to enlarge: Blaauw, C. J. (inleiding) Wendingen Zomernummer 1925,  7e serie nr 2.
click to enlarge: Boeken, A. Architectuur. 10300
Boeken, A.
Amsterdam, Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1936, series: stedebouw architectuur inrichting, 1.
Original printed wrappers, 24x16, 68 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 40,-
Boenders, Luuk / Sanders, WIes / [Urban Unlimited]
De grote The big Der Grosze KAN Atlas. Mentale atlas van het stedelijk netwerk Arnhem - Nijmegen. Mental atlas of the Arnhem - Nijmegen urban network. Mentaler Arlas des städtischen Netzwerks Arnheim - Nimwegen.
Rotterdam, Uitgeverij 010 Publishers, 2003.
Original printed boards, 35x25, 104 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 165,-
click to enlarge: Boenders, Luuk / Sanders, WIes / [Urban Unlimited] De grote The big Der Grosze KAN Atlas. Mentale atlas van het stedelijk netwerk Arnhem - Nijmegen. Mental atlas of the Arnhem - Nijmegen urban network. Mentaler Arlas des städtischen Netzwerks Arnheim - Nimwegen.
click to enlarge: Bois, Mechteld de Chris Lebeau 1878 - 1945. 8458
Bois, Mechteld de
Chris Lebeau 1878 - 1945. 70/120
Assen, Drents Museum, 1987.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 28x22, 320 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 100,-
Boom, Irma
Mondriaan Foundation International 2000. (wrappers in circles covered with thin green felt)
Amsterdam, Mondriaan Foundation, 2000.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 23x17, 39 pp, profusely illustrated, typography by: Boom, Irma.
€ 225,-
click to enlarge: Boom, Irma Mondriaan Foundation International 2000.
click to enlarge: Boom, Irma De Bocht van Guinee. 12635
Boom, Irma
De Bocht van Guinee. (rare: early work by Boom. "Deze uitgave verscheen bij de presentatie van de ontwerpen voor 'De Bocht van Guinee', gelijktijdig met 'De Campagne' en ter gelegenheid van het symposium 'Kunst in de Openbare Ruimte'. georganiseerd in Den Haag op 21 en 22 januari 1993").
Den Haag, Stroom, haags centrum voor beeldende kunst, 1993.
Original printed stiff wrappers, 16x12, 87 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 400,-
Boom, Irma (typography) / Straus, Cees (tekst)
Kunst op Kamers 2008: 26 Kunstenaars 21 Locaties. Kunst op Kamers (‘Art in Rooms’) is an initiative that ever since 1998 has been offering professional artists an unusual platform: a whole weekend spread over the whole of the village of De Rijp, north of Amsterdam. These biennial presentations are documented in a catalogue, the book designer who designs it being one of the artists selected. In previous years the organizers have worked with such designers as Frank Beekers, Swip Stolk and Jaap Drupsteen. For the tenth anniversary year 2008 – an occasion for a retrospective glance in the catalogue – the choice fell upon Irma Boom.
De Rijp, Stichting Kunst op Kamers, 2008.
Perforated cardboard slip case (two parts centre-stitched in cover with flaps), 20x19, 232 / 64 pp, profusely illustrated.
€ 650,-
click to enlarge: Boom, Irma (typography) / Straus, Cees (tekst) Kunst op Kamers 2008: 26 Kunstenaars 21 Locaties.
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