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Haupt, Albrecht - L'architecture des Palais Italiens. Volume 1: du XIIIe au XVIIIe siècle: Florence - Pise - Sienne - Pienze - S. Gimignano - Montepulciano - Pistoie - Lucques - Massa, volume 2: Venise - Verone - Mantoue - Vicence - Padoue, volume 3: Bologne - Ferrare - Modene - Plaisance - Cremone - Pavie - Brescia - Bergame - Milan - Turin - Genes.

price: € 1500,- Haupt, Albrecht - L'architecture des Palais Italiens. Volume 1: du XIIIe au XVIIIe siècle: Florence - Pise - Sienne - Pienze - S. Gimignano - Montepulciano - Pistoie - Lucques - Massa, volume 2: Venise - Verone - Mantoue - Vicence - Padoue, volume 3: Bologne - Ferrare - Modene - Plaisance - Cremone - Pavie - Brescia - Bergame - Milan - Turin - Genes. buy now

item number 11776
annotation (rare french edition).
publ. city Paris
publisher Éditions Albert Lévy
publ. date/edition/ 1930
exh. catalogue
binding Original cloth
binding condition*
size/pages 35x27, 18 / 18 / 18 textpp in 3 volumes
page condition*
illustrated 160 / 160 / 160 plates
* all items are complete and in good antiquarian condition, unless otherwise specified, ....more
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